Blog Post “I have my own guy that takes care of my properties for a GREAT price”

“I have my own guy that takes care of my properties for a GREAT price”

This was the exact statement from an owner that hired us to manage their units.  Now, we don’t have a problem with this as long as their “guy” provides us with the proper documentation that we require of vendors.Normally, this works out okay and we have eve...
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Blog Post Meet The Property Manager, Brian Corbett Part 1

Meet The Property Manager, Brian Corbett Part 1

Interested in how a property manager can benefit you and your property? It’s easy! Just watch the video below for more information!Brian Corbett, here at Flagship Property Management has lots of information on how a quality property manager can benefit you! Make sure if you...
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Blog Post Meet The Property Manager, Brian Corbett Part 2

Meet The Property Manager, Brian Corbett Part 2

Interested in how a property manager can benefit you and your property? It’s easy! Just watch the video below for more information!Brian Corbett, here at Flagship Property Management has lots of information on how a quality property manager can benefit you! Make sure if you...
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Blog Post Nuts & Bolts of Property Management

Nuts & Bolts of Property Management

Have you ever wondered if you need a property manager? Flagship Property Management’s Brian Corbett goes over some of the basic reasons why someone may need a property manager.A good property manager will do…Expansive marketing for your propertyDraw in leads and incr...
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Blog Post Seasonal Preparations

Seasonal Preparations

It’s officially fall and as the holidays roll in and life gets crazier, do NOT forget to prepare for the cold. Seasonal preparations are a key part in ensuring safety and keeping home maintenance low.Flagship’s very own, Brin Corbett, talks about the importance of pre...
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Blog Post Happy {Safe} Halloween Y’all!

Happy {Safe} Halloween Y’all!

Halloween can be all fun and games, but safety should ALWAYS come first!Take a look at these safe trick or treating tips to have a fun and safe night!Always stick together with your group. Never let anyone stray away alone.Cross streets at corners and look both ways before crossi...
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Blog Post Local Property Manager Joins National Association

Local Property Manager Joins National Association

Flagship Property Management is a local leader in the residential property management field. Flagship was recentlty accepted as a member of the National Association of Residential Property Managers (NARPM), joining more that 5,000 residential property managers from throughout the...
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Tired of seeing stains embedded in your carpets? Maybe its from that time you spilled a cup or coffee or perhaps from all the heavy foot traffic that surrounds your front door. Whatever the case might be, the question remains up to you, “How are you going to clean your carp...
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Blog Post Rental Applications

Rental Applications

Flagship Property Management here answering questions on the importance of rental applications.The goal of any property owner is to have the best possible tenant. People move for all types of reasons but those reasons are important. Any home owner wants to trust the person living...
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